Aerial Project “33K”

by | Oct 31, 2017 | Film | 0 comments

Breathtaking view of Mother Nature!

… we modified a LearJet and flew above the earth looking straight down at the sheer beauty of what Mother Nature has to offer us that we all too often miss from the ground. Shot on RED in 8K. – Vincent Laforet

Star Trek: 50 Artists. 50 Years.

Art exhibit created to commemorate Star Trek’s 50th anniversary.

The Difference Between Modern And Contemporary Architecture

There’s often a lot of confusion of what’s modern and what’s contemporary and their very different approaches to design but given the raw definitions and understanding how they are derived will provide clarity between the two.

To Disturb The World Around You

What would you do? A THOUGHT FOR TODAY: The question is whether or not you choose to disturb the world around you, or if you choose to let it go on as if you had never arrived. -Ann Patchett, writer (b. 2 Dec 1963) Source:

Silence Official Trailer 1 (2017)

This is movie is a powerhouse which stars Andrew Garfield (The Social Network, The Amazing Spider-Man), Liam Neeson (Schindler's List, Batman Begins) and Adam Driver (Star Wars: The Force Awakens) and is directed by Martin Scorsese (Goodfellas, The Aviator, The Wolf...

Writing Reference Letters

Writing a reference letter is a breeze if you know the essentials.

Accepting Autism

Coping with Autism after diagnosis and how it affected and changed parents’ perspective.

Hafencity Riverbus

Meet the Hafencity Riverbus.

When The Teacher Becomes The Bully

Oh no, not them! No to bullies!

Falcon Heavy Test Flight

SpaceX pushes the boundaries with the most powerful operational rocket in the world by a factor of two!

Made On Earth By Humans

An excellent tribute to Falcon Heavy.