Samsung Smart TV Doesn’t Recognize DIRECTV Using HDMI

by | Aug 10, 2018 | How-Tos | 0 comments


Samsung Smart TV doesn’t recognize DIRECTV via HDMI connection and/or the purple looking screen appears.


TV Model: Samsung UHD TV MU6290

Cable Box: DIRECTV Cable Box (not sure about the model number)


I did a lot of reading and basically, if I were ever presented with this issue again, I’d do the following in this particular order, and test to see if it works after each step:

  1. Update TV Software
  2. Reset TV
  3. Power Cycle the TV and Cable Box (1-2 minutes off)
  4. Replace HDMI cable
  5. Reset Cable Box (red button)

Example: Try step 1 first. Then see if DirectTV works. If not, continue to step #2 and so on.


In my case, step #4 (replacing the HDMI cable) solved the issue.

Important Note

This may or may not work in different environments but at least it’s a start towards the right direction. I’ve seen people replace entire TV’s, cable boxes before thinking to check the cables themselves. It could mean a $10 solution vs. several hundreds of dollars.

Related Reading

I hope this guide is able to help save you some time and solve your similar issue!

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