Translation Tool For Safari?

by | Dec 16, 2016 | Web | 0 comments

I recently needed a quick way to translate a whole website in Safari and came across a couple of solutions but ultimately only one worked out of the box. The first one is Polygot extension, while seeming like the ideal solution, it didn’t work for me.. I diImage Copied on 2016-12-16 at 13.49 PM.pngd the API thing accordingly but could not get it to work. I then came across the Translate extension which did exactly what I needed to do without having to do anything more than install the extension! With just a click of a button I can have a whole site written in spanish converted to english with all of the links intact.

Honorable Mention

Image Copied on 2016-12-16 at 13.50 PM.pngI think it’s worth noting that translating whole pages is great for many circumstances however what if you just wanted to translate a sentence or a word as supposed to an entire web page. For such cases I use Translate Tab. It’s simple and functions well.

Image Copied on 2016-12-16 at 14.10 PM.pngIt can even speak the translated words for you if you like. Using the the Translate extension and Translate Tab have so far covered everything I needed without having to go to Google Translate which as a result improves my workflow. Google Translate is great but sometimes you need something translated on the fly.

Now for those who use Chrome as their browser, then Google Translate comes built in or supplied via extension. In which case it’s pretty much the equivalent of the Translate extension for Safari.

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