Yahoo Is Not Changing Its Name To Altaba or Oath

by | Apr 9, 2017 | Stocks | 0 comments

Yahoo! Inc. ↗️

LendingClub Corp ➡️

PLDT Inc ↗️

Oppenheimer Portfolio Series Active Allocation Fund Class A ↗️

Bitcoin ↗️

Why One May Prefer A Shared Printer Instead of a Network Printer

The pros and cons of a shared printer but why would you want one given the right environment.

File Managers For Mac

Great File Managers to add to your work flow in macOS.

Just One In A Thousand Speed Painting by Agnes Cecile

Agnes Cecile paints “Just One In A Thousand”.

When The Teacher Becomes The Bully

Oh no, not them! No to bullies!

Jim Carrey: I Needed Color

A beautiful message from Jim Carrey.

How do I know when Structure Sensor is fully charged?

When charging, the Sensor displays a pulsing LED light. When fully charged, the LED light will remain solid!

The Devilish Thing About Foreign Affairs

To truly know what it is, one must have experienced it.

Move From One Mac To Another

Transferring everything from one Mac to another should be relatively simple except when Migration Assistant cannot access your Time Machine Backup. This might be the case for people backing up to networked attached hard drives. I don't think this would be an issue...

Disk Management in Windows Vista

Well, I had the rare opportunity to troubleshoot a computer running Windows Vista and one of the first things I needed to do was access the Disk Management utility which I could not find directly through search. That's because it's tucked inside Computer Management....