10 Essential Apps for Architects: Apple Edition

by | Nov 20, 2020 | Architecture, ArchiCAD, Software, macOS Apps, iOS Apps, Apple | 0 comments

For iPhone

Measure Master Pro Calc ($14.99)

Feet-Inch-Fraction and Metric Conversion Calculator.

Scala ($2.99)

All your scales in one app allows you to measure printed drawings when you don’t have your physical one.

Converter: Units & Currencies (Free)

Convert units easily in an intuitive user interface.

Swatches (Free)

View your Swatches as RGB or Hex values and even see the nearest paint and Pantone colors!

Protractor Edge – Angle Measurer (Free)

A simple protractor. Just put your device on the angle you want to measure. Then drag the two lines to align both sides of the pitch.

Angle Pro (Free)

Measures angle with +-0.2º to +-0.3º accuracy depending on your device with this handy angle meter and level app.

For Mac

Units Master ($11.99)

A universal unit conversion calculator allows you to instantly calculate and convert US and metric units of length, distance, and area.

Pixelmator ($29.99)

Full-featured and powerful image editing app for the Mac. An economical alternative to Photoshop’s offerings.

PureRef (donation encouraged)

Drag and drop images from anywhere into PureRef and have all your reference images in one place. Set PureRef to always stay on top of your workspace and resize to your liking.

Uberlayer (open source)

With the Uberlayer app, you can put floating images on top of your computer screen. Great for cross-referencing.

Perpetual Change – Autumn in the Alps

Breathtaking views of the Alps matched with excellent piano!

CRS-12 Launch

SpaceX successfully launches its twelfth Commercial Resupply Services mission.

Can’t Partition a Hard Drive in Mac

So you’re reformatting a hard drive and for whatever reason cannot create partitions because the partition option in Disk Utility is greyed out.

Temporarily Hide macOS Notifications

Disable and enable those notification messages on the fly.

Emailing Signed Copies Of Contract And Then Signing A Copy

Playing Electronic Tag With Contracts

Bizarre News Jan. 2017 Part 2

Crushed cars on the same day. Texting while walking strikes again. Beware of falling debris.. I mean diving sea gulls. Appearances can be deceiving. Watch those fingers judges.

Comments In Excel Not Appearing

I think it’s a complete ripoff only to include the Comments feature in Office 365 and not in the Retail License.


I’m not going to lie, I hate insects, I’m terrified by them. This video by Cokau Lab titled H²élyos is horrifyingly beautiful!

…All Such Opposites, For The Harmony Of The Whole

”True instruction is this: —to learn to wish that each thing should come to pass as it does. And how does it come to pass?” ~Epictetus

Best Sync Program To Mirror Drives In Windows, Locally and As Simple As Possible Reliably​

Mirror drives locally in a Windows as simple as possible reliably.