60 Years of Logos

by | Dec 24, 2017 | Awesome People, Art | 0 comments

“The job of a logo is to identify. Symbols don’t make it clear what you do, it just makes it clearer who they are. The less they say the better. Over time it’s going to take on the characteristics, for good or for bad.” – Ivan Chermayeff and Tom Geismar

Thank you, Dress Code for producing this wonderful documentary (I could seriously watch an hour or more of this!).


READY PLAYER ONE – “Come With Me” Trailer

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When to update iOS and macOS

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Free: Home Depot Kids Craft

This Saturday, Sept. 2, 2017, Home Depot will be hosting their free Kids Craft day.  Let your kid enjoy building their own pencil box project which they can decorate and paint.  All materials will be supplied including their very own workshop apron, just go directly...

A Whole World Of New Questions

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Meet ModiFace, A Live Video Hair Coloration App

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Is There A Plural For Medication?

The plural for medication is "medication" BUT "medications" is accepted when used correctly. Source: https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20080305012220AAgjyQM

Access To A Better Way Of Life

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iBooks on Mac is not Syncing with iOS Devices

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Johanna Under The Ice

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