Today’s quotes have nailed down a theme of thoughts that’s been in the air recently in my life.
”True instruction is this: —to learn to wish that each thing should come to pass as it does. And how does it come to pass? As the Disposer has disposed it. Now He has disposed that there should be summer and winter, and plenty and dearth, and vice and virtue, and all such opposites, for the harmony of the whole.” ~Epictetus
“Believe you can and you’re half way there.” ~Theodore Roosevelt
“I can, therefore I am.” ~Simone Weil
Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn’t go away. ~Philip K. Dick, science fiction writer (16 Dec 1928-1982)
Balance of all the variables that occupies ones being is, in many scenarios, key to harmony. My random thought. What’s yours?