Architect Santiago Calatrava

by | Sep 26, 2017 | Architecture, Awesome People | 0 comments

“Believing that inside each one of us, yourself, myself, every person you see, even the most modest person with whom you have to deal, there is a source and this source can deliver quality and can deliver or never will stop to deliver so far as you do not stop working on it.” – S.C.

Thanks to New York-based filmmaker Alexandra Liveris for profiling the man behind the World Trade Center Transportation Hub and many other iconic structures.

Meet the Ambulance Drone

Interesting concept. If it can save a life then I say it's worth it. Please get this developed. More info:

Comments In Excel Not Appearing

I think it’s a complete ripoff only to include the Comments feature in Office 365 and not in the Retail License.

Meet The Beard Bib

I have to admit this Beard Bib is pretty neat idea. Keep the hair from getting all over the place - happy wife/happy life!


“Computer-generated dark and brutal geometric monoliths are dissected by invisible 3D objects to reveal the layers of the colorful and emotionally vibrant inner structures.” – Maxim Zhestkov

Resetting Firefox

When something seems glitchy in Firefox, Resetting is an option to consider. I recommend backing up your Bookmarks and Saved Passwords before proceeding. An easy way to do this if your reading this article on Firefox is to follow the instructions...

Superman, Ironman, Spiderman, Batman, and The Incredible Hulk Speed Painting by Josh Newman

Josh Newman Speed Paints Superman, Ironman, Spiderman, Batman, and The Incredible Hulk!

Meet Kuri, A Real Live Robot

Kuri is “a loyal little home robot with a cheerful personality”.

Genuine Windows 7 Professional Won’t Activate

So you got the “Windows 7 Professional product key you typed is invalid for activation.” message. And you know you have a valid key. Here are two things you can try…

Accelerating the Car of the Future

“Racing is important, not only from a sporting perspective but from a life perspective. This is the catalyst for change.” -Sam Bird

Furniture That Can Be Put Away

Meet Zev Bianchi, an industrial designer who designs furniture that can be put away!