Bizarre News Jan. 2017 Part 2

by | Jan 21, 2017 | Odd News | 0 comments

Remember that these events really happened:

  1. California man’s two vehicles crushed by different trees in different cities on same day.
  2. Phone-focused shopper walks directly into mall fountain.
  3. Sea gull repeatedly dives toward construction worker’s head in Netherlands.
  4. Blow-up sex doll sparks murder alert after reports of ‘body’ floating in river.

  5. Texas judge cited after allegedly making obscene gesture.

Lessons learned or thoughts to be had:

  • Count your lucky stars when you somehow escaped death twice on the same day.
  • No texting while walking.
  • Wear your hard hats when visiting a construction site.
  • How did a sex doll end up floating in a river?
  • Even judges can be judged.

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