Seagate, Oh Why Do You Fail Me?

Out of the 13 plus years I’ve been repairing computers (hobby turned nightmare)… if I were to keep a log of hard drive failures, Seagate internal hard drives have let me down more times than any other brand.

Johnny Depp Speed Drawing by Igor Kazarin

Igor Kazarin speed draws Johnny Depp.

Love Is Culinary Art (Guest Post By: ICS)

Preparation of food in consideration of taste, presentation and palatability has been done by all societies not merely for the sustenance of life, but also for friendship, for business, for thanksgiving, to make amends or make up for things that have not been...

John Locke – Speed Painting by Nico Di Mattia

Artist: Nico Di Mattia Website:

Meet The Bollinger B1, The First Fully Electric SUT

The B1 is the first 100% fully electric, all aluminum, sports utility truck (SUT) designed from the ground up!

So Mercy Must Encircle Both Friend and Foe

As freely as the firmament embraces the world..

Help Stop Cubbing In Colorado

2016: Year In Review

A compilation of 2016 a year in review videos that gives us a glimpse of what happened in mainstream planet earth this year. TIME Top10Archive Google Financial Times...

Star Trek: 50 Artists. 50 Years.

Art exhibit created to commemorate Star Trek’s 50th anniversary.

The Magic Moment

Peter Dahmen’s pop-up cards are amazing and his process is a reminder of the importance of problem solving one step at a time.