Do the Best You Can

by | Apr 17, 2019 | Motivation, Self Dev | 0 comments

Your successes fuel your ambition, your successes give you extra energy, your successes pave the way for more successes. It’s the snowball effect, with one success you’re excited to meet another, and another, and another, and pretty soon the disciplines that were so difficult in the beginning, the disciplines that got you going are now part of your philosophy. – Jim Rohn

Bizarre News Jan. 2017 Part 2

Crushed cars on the same day. Texting while walking strikes again. Beware of falling debris.. I mean diving sea gulls. Appearances can be deceiving. Watch those fingers judges.

Why One May Prefer A Shared Printer Instead of a Network Printer

The pros and cons of a shared printer but why would you want one given the right environment.

So Mercy Must Encircle Both Friend and Foe

As freely as the firmament embraces the world..

Work Left Unfinished

At the very least.. take that first step. A THOUGHT FOR TODAY: Can anything be sadder than work left unfinished? Yes, work never begun. -Christina Rossetti, poet (5 Dec 1830-1894) Source:

Convert Hourly Wage To Equivalent Annual Salary

Easy way to calculate your annual salary if you know your hourly wage and how many hours per week you work.

The Black Eyed Peas – BIG LOVE

A music video with a powerful message.

Stop iTunes From Autoplaying Next Podcast Next

This particular solution doesn’t make any sense, but it works! While playing the podcast, on the upper part of the iTunes window, there is a “shuffle” button - enable it by clicking on it, and your podcast will not autoplay the next when the episode is finished....

Meet The New ilumi

Love this new smartbulb! Source: The New ilumi. A Better Smartbulb. by ilumi solutions —Kickstarter

Wonder Trailer #1 (2017)

A movie based on the New York Times bestseller, WONDER.

Aerial Project “33K”

Aerial view of Mother Nature shot on RED in 8K