How To Access FTP Address in macOS

by | May 30, 2020 | Mac, Software, macOS Apps | 0 comments

There are several ways to do this depending on what you need to achieve.

What you need regardless of which method you’ll use

  1. FTP address (i.e.
  2. Username
  3. Password

Method 1: Read only Access

If all you’ll need is read access which will allow you to copy files from your web server, then you can do this directly from macOS built-in Finder. Open Finder > command+k > type in your FTP address and click Connect. You’ll be prompted for a Username and Password. Plug your credentials in and you’ll be able to browse through your web server as if those files were local.

Here’s a neat video further explaining the process:

Method 2: Read/Write Access

For read/write access, we will have to make use of a third-party app. There are many options available, some free and some paid, but the one I like to use is ForkLift. I free one worth checking out is Cyberduck. You would pretty much do the same thing in method 1, type in your FTP address and provide your credentials to connect.

Worth mentioning

I read about program called Mountain Duck which to my understanding allow you to read/write to your web server directly from Finder. I haven’t tested it yet and I think you have to pay for it but there is a trail version available. If I get to it one day I’ll update this article.

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