
by | Sep 9, 2017 | Film | 0 comments

A scary glimpse of what being “plugged-in” means in the future.

Meet Perseus: The World’s Smartest Mirror

I think the future will eventually have us “connected” on most capable physical surfaces… until we get holograms that is. For now, meet Perseus the world's smartest mirror.How cool is that!?Watch videos, the weather, follow stocks, take selfies (not a fan - just...

Rambo: Last Blood – Teaser Trailer

John Rambo is back!

How to Disable Autoplay in VLC Media Player for VR Photos?

Unfortunately, there is no setting that I know of that does this. So a workaround is to have the VR photo pause after playback. This is very helpful if you view VR photos as I do for reference and would much rather not have the VR photo close down after playback. To...

Simplicity Is King

This is so true on so many levels. 😂

Who Is Eligible for the Second Economic Impact Payment and How Much Will Be Paid Out?

Taken directly from the www.irs.gov website: Generally, U.S. citizens and resident aliens who are not eligible to be claimed as a dependent on someone else’s income tax return are eligible for this second payment.  Eligible individuals will automatically receive an...

Kancy: The World’s First WiFi Smart Tiny Switch

Meet Kancy, The World’s First WiFi Smart Tiny Switch.

Tracking Stocks on iOS and macOS

Recommended apps that make tracking apps on iOS and MacOS intuitive and informative.

Skyflakes Breaded Fish Fillet

Nothing really much to say for this humble crispy fried fish fillet, the cooking direction is very straightforward. It doesn’t involve any meticulous order, it’s a simple as getting the fish fillet ready for coating and seasoning then shallow pan frying it til crispy....

Ronja, The Robber’s Daughter – A Ghibli Production

Ronja, The Robber’s Daughter – A Ghibli Production.

Japanese Professor Creates Amazing 3D Optical Illusions

Just like those cool "3D" painting illusions that where painted distorted on purpose to trick the mind into seeing something which would appear to be normal.. Japanese professor, Kokichi Sugihara, creates some amazing 3D physical models to recerate the same type of...