Love Is Culinary Art (Guest Post By: ICS)

by | Apr 5, 2022 | Writing, Self Dev, Couch Baby Draft, Life | 0 comments

Preparation of food in consideration of taste, presentation and palatability has been done by all societies not merely for the sustenance of life, but also for friendship, for business, for thanksgiving, to make amends or make up for things that have not been done.  Preparation of food may be very true to the saying that “the shortest distance to a man’s heart is through his stomach.” Food preparation is both an art and a science because the combination of the ingredients are in answer to the science of quest for a longer life and the preparation of the with all the intricacies in the plating of the food is the art.

In a relationship, love is like culinary art. Love and relationship are sweet when they are in their early stage, when each of the partner is mesmerized by the potion of Cupid’s bow. But such can turn sour and bitter as one discovers the imperfections of each other. 

Salt is life.  To food preparation, it is the balance on the taste of the food. Salt in a relationship may mean a lot. This may mean the financial aspect that balances everything especially in the married life because “love flies out of the window when the stomach is empty”. Salt may mean the simple moments of togetherness, the laughter that strengthens the bond for relationship which is nurtured better with laughter rather than with tears. 

An important ingredient in cooking is pepper, the spice that perks the taste in whatever form it is – whole as a corn, ground or powdery.  The pepper in love and relationship is the challenges in whatever intensity, just like the road that couples tread throughout the years, there may be humps and bumps, but these are the spice that makes each appreciate the care and patience in trying moments, the understanding during moments of confusion, the assurance during the pitfalls and the love that keeps burning during the odds.

When can relationship gets sour?  It is the stage when one thinks only of the “I”, when career becomes the priority over the family; when in-laws get in the way; when people around they call as “friends” become the priority; when money becomes a question; when vices start to peep- in.

A sour relationship can tend to be bitter when damages become unrepairable. When one of the partners indulges in vices or go philandering.  Such action will stir spoilage not just to the couple but will affect even the children.  Just like food, when it is spoiled, it goes to the garbage.  

How can that love and relationship be preserved? Even preserved foods have sugar, salt, pepper and other spices but they can last so long. Let the Bible be the cookbook, allow people who have crafted the best recipes of life as the role models and the best is the guidance of the Chef God. But more so, just like cooking, a lasting love and relationship entails the choice of the best ingredients (partners), patience to adjust to what is called as “compatibility”, creativity to make each day of togetherness as memorable, responsibility to perform each other’s role, faithfulness and the willingness to serve.

A strong, stable, marriage is the complete menu to a happy family that could sustain God’s will of propagating a humanity of love and care.

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