Meet Headspace

by | Feb 23, 2019 | Yoga, Self Dev, Health | 0 comments

So several years ago I came across this cool app – it’s called Headspace. I don’t use it every day, though I think I would benefit from daily use, instead I use it before I do yoga when I’m at home and on the mat. It simulates having that teacher across from me, guiding me into the moment and back to home base through meditation before I begin my practice. It’s surprisingly effective and the voices are calming.

It is an app, so you’ll need an iOS or Android device to run it. They have meditation sessions tailored to benefit you depending on your mood. I love it and it’s definitely worth checking out.

The Headspace app is free to install and you’ll have access to some basic courses and sessions. There is also no cost to sign up and set up your profile. Be warned though, if you get addicted to it, you’ll be tempted to unlock their libraries by subscribing!

Subscription Models (as of February 2019)

  • $12.99/mo (paid monthly)
  • $95.88 (paid annually)
  • $167.67 (two­year)
  • $399.99 (lifetime one-time payment)


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