by | Mar 17, 2017 | Technology, Cool Things | 0 comments

Yet another smartbulb with a twist. This bulb created by MIPOW USA is portable, solar powered and water resistant. I can see lots of fun ways to use this and it also seems pretty easy to use and maintain.


Kickstarter: PLAYBULB Solar – Revolutionizing Outdoor Lighting

Image Copied on 2017-03-17 at 13.55 PM.png

Image Copied on 2017-03-17 at 13.54 PM.png

Apollo 11 Saturn V Launch Camera E-8 in HD

An HD transfered version of the Apollo 11 launch on July 16, 1969.

Star Wars: The Last Jedi Teaser Trailer #1 (2017)

The much awaited teaser trailer to Star Wars: The Last Jedi is here!

Lady in the Water – The Great Eatlon

A powerful scene from Lady in the Water.

ADAM: The Mirror

Oats Studios brings to life the next chapter in the Adam story, made in real-time using Unity.

Maximizing Battery Life On Your MacBook

Extending your battery life for long periods of time can be challenging, here’s what we do and hopefully it helps you!

Distracted Driving, Don’t Do It

Many will argue that through practice and training, one can text and drive, or even master the art of taking a phone call on an earpiece or through the speakerphone when in reality, any distraction, hands-free or not, will increase your chances of being distracted.

Macaroni Marinara ala Trader Joe’s

This dish is very simple and technically vegetarian if you choose to go without the meatball or use vegetarian meat if you wish to go full vegetarian. This meal costs only roughly $5 to make which is good for a family serving. Ingredients: Trader Joe’s Macaroni Pasta...


A single cell becomes a complete organism in six minutes of timelapse!

To Disturb The World Around You

What would you do? A THOUGHT FOR TODAY: The question is whether or not you choose to disturb the world around you, or if you choose to let it go on as if you had never arrived. -Ann Patchett, writer (b. 2 Dec 1963) Source:

How to Disable Autoplay in VLC Media Player for VR Photos?

Unfortunately, there is no setting that I know of that does this. So a workaround is to have the VR photo pause after playback. This is very helpful if you view VR photos as I do for reference and would much rather not have the VR photo close down after playback. To...