Meet The Bullet-proof Origami

by | May 2, 2017 | Technology | 0 comments

Created by Brigham Young University engineers, this deployable Kevlar shield is made possible by use of origami.

The Superman

“Francisco once dived competitively, striving to see how deep he could go underwater. But he soon realized that isn’t why he started diving. Now he does it for the clarity of mind, the inexplicable sensations, and to visit another world beneath the waves.” – halcyon

Genuine Windows 7 Professional Won’t Activate

So you got the “Windows 7 Professional product key you typed is invalid for activation.” message. And you know you have a valid key. Here are two things you can try…

Superman, Ironman, Spiderman, Batman, and The Incredible Hulk Speed Painting by Josh Newman

Josh Newman Speed Paints Superman, Ironman, Spiderman, Batman, and The Incredible Hulk!

Rambo: Last Blood – Teaser Trailer

John Rambo is back!

Yoga Transforming Lives

Trailer to an awesome documentary series featuring stories on the transformative power of yoga and meditation.

The Difference Between Modern And Contemporary Architecture

There’s often a lot of confusion of what’s modern and what’s contemporary and their very different approaches to design but given the raw definitions and understanding how they are derived will provide clarity between the two.

There Is No Try

Are you doing what you genuinely want to do? If not, what can you do now to change that in the future, if not immediately?

Meet The Ripsaw EV2

A luxury super tank that’s fast.. really fast.

Stock Watch 2017-01-29

Yahoo shows strength amidst critiscm. LendingClub may surprise. PLDT continues to focus on subscribers. OAAAX still holds Apple at #1. Bitcoin is a great hedge against the system.