Observe What’s Happening With Yourself and Be Honest About It

by | Mar 2, 2021 | Thoughts | 0 comments

Denial is a horrible way to live. There is nothing positive that comes out of it. Why weaken your ability to live genuinely? Should we not embrace who we are? When you rid denial and unrealistic thoughts that cloud the truth within, you open yourself to clarity. Doing so will allow you to take an honest inventory of what is happening around you, resulting in decision-making that is held with integrity.

We Suffer More Often On Imagination Than In Reality

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Being Batman

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Tinolang Tahong (Mussels in Ginger Broth)

Ingredients: 4 cups water, 1 pack (14oz-1lb) mussel meat or with shells, 2 chayote or green papaya, ginger, onion, garlic, fish sauce (patis) or can use salt, ground black pepper & oil for sautéing *mince garlic, slice ginger and onion thinly*peel and cut chayote...

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