Meet PHONOCUT, A Home Vinyl Recorder

Make quality records at home with just the push of a button!

To Wonder Where You Are

The feeling of importance…

Tulip Fever Red Band Trailer #1 (2017)

This is one of those movies that make you very uncomfortable because of its topic – adultery.

Atlas Does Parkour

That’s right Boston Dynamics, keep feeding abilities into your robots – scary cool.

Stock Watch 2017-01-29

Yahoo shows strength amidst critiscm. LendingClub may surprise. PLDT continues to focus on subscribers. OAAAX still holds Apple at #1. Bitcoin is a great hedge against the system.

Ferrari F1 Pit Stop Perfection

Amazing how fast an F1 pitstop crew can change 4 tires.

The ABC of Architects

Wonderful tribute video from Alvar Aalto to Zaha Hadid!

Meet Perseus: The World’s Smartest Mirror

I think the future will eventually have us “connected” on most capable physical surfaces… until we get holograms that is. For now, meet Perseus the world's smartest mirror.How cool is that!?Watch videos, the weather, follow stocks, take selfies (not a fan - just...

Mini DisplayPort DP to VGA Adapter For Mac

What your options are for hooking up a Mac with Mini DisplayPort DP to a projector that uses VGA connector.

Bay Area Local Leaves For the Open Road

Travel the open roads and explore the United States with Michael Merto!