
by | Jul 14, 2020 | Thoughts | 0 comments

It takes a while to recover from wrapping up significant projects. You can’t just sleep one night and be back on things the next day. The small things, yes, but big things? It’s tough. Consider bite-size tasks related to the bigger picture. It’s the little things, sometimes. Slowly but surely, you’ll gain back momentum. Knowing how the little things affect the big things will empower you to streamline and set aside some time for the things that bore you to death. Improve your efficiency, and that process won’t be as dreadful.

Formula E Car vs Cheetah

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Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (2016) Trailer #3

Need I say more? Cannot wait.

Ready Player One – Official Trailer 1

Set in a near-future dystopian Earth, Ready Player One take us for one hell of a ride.


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Perfect graphic which illustrates exactly what a Berm is.

Overwatch Animated Short: “Infiltration”

My sister just told me about this. I love these Animated Shorts from Overwatch!

If You Eat A Polar Bear’s Liver

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Max Cooper’s HOPE

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The Shipping Container Pool

These ready-to-use Shipping Container Pools are being sold in Australia!