Resilio Sync Context Menu On Mac

by | May 28, 2018 | macOS Apps | 0 comments


The context menu.

Recently, one of my computers with Resilio Sync installed appeared to be missing an important feature – the Resilio Sync context menu. Assuming Resilio Sync is running, this context menu should appear when you right-click or control-click on a folder or file that had already been added to Resilio Sync.

The solution is to go to System Preferences > Extensions > Finder. Make sure the checkbox for Sync Finder Extension is checked. If it’s already checked, then uncheck it and check it again. This should solve it.

If you still don’t get the context menu, then you may have to log out and log back in, reboot, or restart your Finder process.


If all else fails, I’d try their Resilio Sync’s Help Center with the option to contact support as the last resort.



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