San Francisco Just Became The First U.S. City To Offer Free College

by | Feb 15, 2017 | Education, News | 0 comments

I cannot wait for this to be implemented and see it follow through and not fail.  This system would open up so many more opportunities students looking for more than just a highschool diploma.


Real Life Chappie In The Making?

Real life AI, if true, is breaking grounds and pushing boundaries.

Patient Zero Trailer

“After being bitten, human survivor Morgan (Matt Smith) realizes he is asymptomatic and can communicate with the infected, leading the last survivors on a hunt for Patient Zero and a cure.” – Sony Pictures Entertainment

BKS Iyengar Yoga Wisdom & Practice

Amazing footage of B.K.S. Iyengar practicing yoga!

Creating Groups in Apple’s Contacts

Create Groups (a.k.a mailing list, distribution list) in Apple’s Contacts application (macOS).

I Was, But My Kids Weren’t

“Because all along, it turns out, all my kids needed and wanted was me.” – Kristina Kuzmic

Because Of Creed, Or Birthplace, Or Origin

Understanding where all are coming from is the first step in defeating prejudice.

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story Trailer “Trust” (2016)

Seeing the Imperial Walkers in action again gave me the chills.

Do the Best You Can

Jim Rohn offers some motivational and volitional words to help you do the best you can. – TheHappinessNetwork

Monster Rice Meal For My Kids

I love to cook and I make sure my kids are well fed at all times. Of course that’s what I always wish to achieve but it would be a lie if I say I’m very successful with it. There were days when we have to rush here and there that I could only grab whatever snack...

Centria’s Architectural Insulated Metal Panel Systems

Link: They have several series available: