
by | Sep 25, 2018 | Film, Space | 0 comments

In 1977 NASA launched two golden records into deep space on the Voyager I & II probes. Having left our solar system, they are the most distant man-made objects. The records carry sounds and images of our planet and human brainwaves. – Raphael Rogers

Making America Great Again!

Meet the new Air Force One and Presidential Motorcade.

The Matrix Teaser Trailer

An awesome teaser trailer for The Matrix.

Overwatch Animated Short: “Infiltration”

My sister just told me about this. I love these Animated Shorts from Overwatch!

Ray Charles Speed Painting by Dan Dunn

Speed Painting of Ray Charles by Dan Dunn.

Device Limits for Office 365 Users

Microsoft seems flexible when it comes to the number of devices you may install Office 365 depending on which subscription you have.

Kancy: The World’s First WiFi Smart Tiny Switch

Meet Kancy, The World’s First WiFi Smart Tiny Switch.

Stock Watch 2016-12-18

Yahoo! Inc. ➡️ Yahoo says one billion accounts exposed in newly discovered security breach Yahoo shares fall after security breach, under Federal probe Yahoo had its holiday party inside its offices, and it was the opposite of last year’s lavish...

Is Distance Learning / Remote Schooling Working For You?

It has been almost two full months of the off-school site for the kids, the immediate introduction of Distance Learning, or Remote Schooling. Something new for all, the parents have to be full-time teachers at home. This is somehow similar to Self-study homework...

Step Inside Dragon

SpaceX’s Dragon is the Tesla of spacecraft.

Earth To Earth

The BFR will be capable of taking people from any city to any other city on Earth in under one hour.