Superman, Ironman, Spiderman, Batman, and The Incredible Hulk Speed Painting by Josh Newman

by | May 22, 2017 | Speed Painting | 0 comments

Artist: Josh Newman


The Lilium Jet Five Seater All-Electric Air Taxi

Today, Lilium shows us their all-electric, jet-powered vertical take-off and landing five-seater prototype!

Bizarre News Jan. 2017 Part 2

Crushed cars on the same day. Texting while walking strikes again. Beware of falling debris.. I mean diving sea gulls. Appearances can be deceiving. Watch those fingers judges.

Google Unveils VPS

Visual Positioning Service to send shockwaves across the mobile industry!

Bagel: The World’s Smartest Tape Measure

Innovating the way we measure.

Standard Garage Door Sizes

Single Car Garage Door Standard: 8 feet wide by 7 feet tall, or 9 feet wide by 7 feet tall. Double Garage Door 16 feet by 7 feet Notes: Height can be 8 feet tall if needed. Depending on your region, 10 feet wide garage doors may be common. References: What Is the...

I See You

Setu is a yoga community dedicated to promoting and advocating inclusivity in yoga. The community is home to hundreds of teachers and leaders who promote diversity and body positivity. – Jacob Krupnick

Bumblebee – Speed Painting by Nico Di Mattia

Artist: Nico Di Mattia Website:

9 Year Olds Take On America’s Got Talent

Angelica Hale and Celine Tam take on America’s Got Talent!


A single cell becomes a complete organism in six minutes of timelapse!

Just One In A Thousand Speed Painting by Agnes Cecile

Agnes Cecile paints “Just One In A Thousand”.