Temporarily Hide macOS Notifications

by | May 7, 2017 | Mac, Computers, How-Tos | 0 comments

I love the Mac’s Notification Center. It reminds me of reminder alerts, calendar events, incoming email, and pretty much anything that can send out alerts. It does all this so very well. There are times though when I need to just do work completely undistracted. Similar to how I can switch my phone to silent or switch it to airplane mode while I’m at an important meeting wouldn’t it be nice to be able to do this on your Mac? Little did I know that this function already exists until I was finally annoyed by the notifications getting in the way of my productivity that it prompted me to do some research. Big surprise – it’s all built in. Simply press the Option key and click on the Notification Center icon at the far right end of the menu bar.

Image Copied on 2017-05-07 at 11.04 AM

After doing so, the Notification Center icon will be grayed out which indicated that you won’t be bothered.

Image Copied on 2017-05-07 at 11.07 AM.png

To activate again, press the Option key and click on the Notification Center icon and you’re back to being notified.


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