The Difference Between Modern And Contemporary Architecture

by | Jul 21, 2018 | Architecture | 0 comments

Modern, relating to the present or recent times as opposed to the remote past. Contemporary, belonging to or occurring in the present. There’s often a lot of confusion of what’s modern and what’s contemporary and their very different approaches to design but given the raw definitions and understanding how they are derived will provide clarity between the two.

Modern Architecture detaches itself from the past and basically flipping the finger to traditional architecture and ornamentation. A minimalistic approach to design, modern architecture embraces concrete and steel structures with large amounts of glass and open floor plans. There are many common traits to Modern Architecture which is considered a style in itself.

Contemporary Architecture is Architecture that is currently trending or popular at present time. It’s very progressive in nature and focused on “now”. In a sense, it is not necessarily tied to a certain style, and instead of a very organic idea tied to possibly popular construction methods to achieve a trending approach to design. It is always changing, much like the internet of things.

Read more about the differences and examples of both in the following links:

  1. Modern or Contemporary: What’s the Difference?
  2. The Difference Between Modern and Contemporary Home Architecture
  3. 20 Examples of Contemporary vs Modern Design and Architecture

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