The Superman

by | Jan 8, 2018 | Awesome People | 0 comments

A peak into the world of a free diver…

“To do free diving you need to be totally detached from any problems you have. During the nine months we’re in the maternal womb, we’re always submerged in a liquid. So iit gives us that state of disconnection and security. Your heartbeat slows down as soon as your face touches the water. In days of complete stillness, you can hear your own heartbeat underwater. You’ll always be getting to know another world, a different world, because the laws that reign on land don’t exist.” – Francisco Del Rosario

Access To A Better Way Of Life

There is so much information in books be it non-fiction or fiction.. what we do with that information is up to us.. regardless of the topic. A THOUGHT FOR TODAY: Reading is not just an escape. It is access to a better way of life. -Karin Slaughter, novelist (b. 6 Jan...

READY PLAYER ONE – “Come With Me” Trailer

Another trailer to the much anticipated “Ready Player One” movie!

Meet Atlas, The World’s Most Dynamic Humanoid

Atlas uses balance and whole-body skills to achieve two-handed mobile manipulation.

A Whole World Of New Questions

Pushing the boundaries.

Another Vehicle Attack..

A sad day. 4 dead, many injured in London.

I Was, But My Kids Weren’t

“Because all along, it turns out, all my kids needed and wanted was me.” – Kristina Kuzmic

Bring Overwatch To Mac

Help bring Overwatch to Mac!

How to Set a Default Featured Image for WordPress Posts That Have None

Default Featured Image plugin By Jan Willem Oostendorp comes in handy!

The Walk of Life

“The question is not how do we find the meaning of life, but rather when do we start looking.” – Tamal Dodge

Prototype Residence In San Miguel de Allende

Architect, Sculpture and Designer Ron Heikes takes on San Miguel de Allende, Mexico.