
by | Apr 23, 2018 | Earth | 0 comments

[tran-shuh nt, -zhuh nt, -zee-uh nt]
Adjective. not lasting, enduring, or permanent; lasting only a short time; existing briefly.

By Dustin Farrell –

I Was, But My Kids Weren’t

“Because all along, it turns out, all my kids needed and wanted was me.” – Kristina Kuzmic

Meet Beth Johnson, An Origami Artist

Beth Johnson has been doing origami since she was 9!

Blade Runner 2049 Extended International TV Spot #1 (2017)

Who’s ready for Blade Runner 2049?

Accepting Autism

Coping with Autism after diagnosis and how it affected and changed parents’ perspective.

The Last Bastion

So my sister sends me this awesome Overwatch Animated Short. She knows I love Bastion. This animated short is titled “The Last Bastion” and all I have to say is well done Blizzard, well done.

Human Architecture

A visual comparison between heaviness and lightness by Karim Shaaban.

Odd News April 2 2017 Edition

Man sues after asking for real butter, getting a substitute.. and wins case.

Science Vs. Music

Nigel Stanford’s CYMATICS: Science Vs. Music – brilliant music and visualization.

Best Sync Program To Mirror Drives In Windows, Locally and As Simple As Possible Reliably​

Mirror drives locally in a Windows as simple as possible reliably.

Terminator: Dark Fate – Official Teaser Trailer (2019)

Teaser trailer to the latest film installment to the Terminator franchise is here!